ColigoMed is a health tech company headquartered in San Jose, California. The company uses AI and ML to help providers improve their quality of care through more connected care while scaling their practices to treat more patients. 
Project Manager, Creative Director, Brand Strategist, UI/UX Designer, and Production Artist.
ColigoMed needed a swift, budget-friendly website launch while refining their brand in a competitive market. The challenge was to integrate their identity as a leading healthcare provider and tech innovator. Utilizing AI and ML, ColigoMed is revolutionizing healthcare and solving its most complex problems in the healthcare space. 
Branded, modernized and brought consistency to this innovative startup. 

Visit: ColigoMed.com 


- Lack of hierarchy in messaging
- Non-existent grid structures
- No clear call to action
- Overuse of gradients lowering readability and strength of the logo
Stage 1. Market research and user flow design
I led this project by conducting thorough market research, analyzing competitors, and defining our brand positioning and strategy. Collaborating closely with the copywriter, I synthesized research insights to develop a detailed site map and wireframes that effectively addressed user needs and project goals.
Stage 2. Concept development and UX
I led the conceptualization phase, presenting two distinct design directions with alternative images. I created detailed wireframes that balanced showcasing the company as both a healthcare provider and an innovative tech company
Stage 3. UI design and design explorations​​​​​​​
I developed an interactive high-fidelity prototype using Figma, reinforcing the blue/green brand color palette and creating custom illustrations to simplify complex messaging. Additionally, I incorporated photography to establish a humanistic and approachable tone.
Stage 4. User testing and iteration
I organized user testing sessions with a diverse group of participants to gather feedback on the site's readability and flow, utilizing both in-person and remote testing methods for comprehensive insights. Analyzing this feedback, I identified issues and areas for improvement, implementing design iterations to address user concerns and enhance the overall user experience
Stage 5. Final presentation and dev handoff
I presented the final website design to stakeholders and collaborated closely with the development team to ensure a smooth handoff, explaining animations, rollovers, and other interactive elements. I also conducted quality assurance to ensure the development accurately reflected the design, was responsive, and optimized for quick loading.
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