Here are a few projects that I worked on for PayPal while at Media.Monks.
Project 1: Seasonal Sellers
Project 2: Non-Adopters Winback
Project 1: Seasonal Sellers Campaign
The Ask: Develop a marketing campaign to prevent Seasonal Sellers from churning. Seasonal Sellers, merchants whose sales exceeded 50% within a brief time frame during the year. Our aim was to proactively ensure that this group of merchants continue to engage with PayPal’s offerings. This was the first campaign addressed to this group. 
The Process: Our team started by engaging in in-depth research to define the problem, and better understand the user. We then developed our strategy and messaging and presented two distinct design directions to the client.  
Outcome: The campaign launched in the United States and significantly reduced the number of Seasonal Sellers from churning. Extensive A/B testing was conducted using AI so that the best performing subject lines and images would be used. All results were tracked for future learnings. 
My role: Associate Creative Director

The final four emails developed for this campaign. 

Onsite banners appeared on their customer login page throughout the duration of the campaign.

Animations developed for Social Media ads including Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Business Resource Center Landing page to provide additional information to merchants.

Project 2: Non-Adopters Winback Campaign
The Ask:
Create an email campaign to reach out to merchants who haven't activated, haven't adopted, or who have adopted and then churned, to add PayPal back on their website as a way to pay. 
As part of this campaign, we tested lifestyle visuals versus hero illustrations, standard hero messaging versus “fear of missing out” messaging, and inclusion of a case study versus no case study.
Outcome: Both the lifestyle and illustration campaigns performed equally well, but the illustrations were dropped as PayPal moved towards new branding and more dynamic lifestyle photography was offered with the integration of new design elements. 
Different modules, for example, customer quotes and testimonials were added and tracked to measure campaign success rate.  
My role: Associate Creative Director
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